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Banana Jig

BanaPop 240mm 110g

$81.77 - $99.95 (Ex. GST)
BanaPop 240mm 110g Floating Popper The new BanaPop 240 from Kogyomaru products, is made out of a hybrid material with a balsa wood Centre and a hard urethane foam outside. This Hybrid construction aids in buoyancy from the balsa wood centre and a hard...
Banana Jig

Bana Pen Battle Hardened 240mm 110g

$99.95 (Ex. GST)
Battle Hardened 240mm 110g by Bana Pen  The Bana Pen by Banana Jig is a custom made lure from the infamous charter captain Yukihiro Iwasaki from Hirado, Nagasaki. The Battle Hardened 240 is made from a hybrid of balsa wood for the center and...