SilkOcean Cast White Japanese Made Braided Fishing Line by Ocean Devil
Silk Ocean Cast is made in Japan from the finest Dyneema UHMWPE raw material.
Silk ocean Cast White is a pure braid with no coatings or additives, silk like feeling as the name...
SilkOcean Jigging Multi Colour by Ocean Devil
Silk Ocean PE line, an OceanDevil development of the finest quality of Japanese 8 strand fibers, with cutting edge technology that delivers the lowest braid diameter with the highest...
Ocean Devil Diablo 74 F Maldives Special 100g
Introducing the Diablo ML74F 100, our specialized popping rod designed for the Maldives, capable of handling lures ranging up to 100 grams. This versatile rod offers exceptional castability and is perfect...
Ocean Devil Diablo 81 F 220 Tuna
A more robust and stiffer tip rod made specifically for big game popping is the Diablo 81F 220 Tuna rod. As much as we like to call it a Tuna rod rest assured this rod is an impeccable GT fighter, when designing this rod...