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FCL Labo

FCL Labo Ebipop SC 220F Floating Popper

$68.14 - $72.68 (Ex. GST)
EBISC 220F Floating Popper by FCL Labo This smaller version of the Ebipop EXT, the Ebipop SC 220 is constructed of the same super high density foam for increased longevity. The FCL Ebipop is among the easiest of poppers to work yet still...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo Ebipop EXT 120 Floating Popper

$86.32 - $90.86 (Ex. GST)
Ebipop 120EXT Blooping popper by FCL Labo One of the all time most popular GT poppers among the Fish Head crew and many others, the Ebipop Extreme is constructed of a super high density foam for excellent longevity. The FCL Ebipop is among the easiest...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo Ebipop SC 150F Floating Popper

$54.50 - $59.05 (Ex. GST)
EBISC 150F Rigged Floating Popper by FCL Labo The smaller version of the Ebipop EXT, the Ebipop SC 150 is constructed of the same super high density foam for increased longevity. The FCL Ebipop is among the easiest of poppers to work...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo Ebipop SC 115F Floating Popper

$36.32 - $39.05 (Ex. GST)
Ebipop SC 115F Rigged Floating popper by FCL Labo The smallest version of the Ebipop EXT, the Ebipop SC 115F is constructed of the same super high density foam for increased longevity. The FCL Ebipop is among the easiest of poppers to...
Labana Studio

Labana Studio Milkshake 138 Diving Popper

$31.77 (Ex. GST)
Milkshake 138 Diving Popper from Labana Studio Introducing The Milkshake, a new line of high-quality polymer lures crafted by Labana Studio, a Spanish manufacturer. The Milkshake is a versatile diving/swimming popper that creates an erratic action,...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo Ebipop EXT 165 Floating Popper

$95.41 (Ex. GST)
Ebipop EXT 165 Blooping Popper by FCL Labo One of the all time most popular GT poppers among the Fish Head crew and many others, the Ebipop Extreme is constructed of a super high density foam for excellent longevity. The FCL Ebipop is among the easiest...
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ReefsEDGE Roey 110g Floating Popper

ReefsEDGE Roey 110g Floating Popper

$53.59 (Ex. GST)
Roey 110g All-round Floating Popper by ReefsEDGE The ReefsEDGE Poppers offer superb finish and durability at a reasonable price. The Elsie features quality stainless steel components, wiring and a 8 layer Hardened Epoxy clear finish making the poppers...
Patriot Design

Patriot Design Masterd Bomb Big Cup 135 Floating Popper

$95.45 - $99.09 (Ex. GST)
Masterd Bomb Big Cup 135 Floating Blooping Popper by Patriot Design The Patriot Design Masterd Bomb Big Cup 135 is a medium size popper with a huge presence in the water. Its 55mm cup is designed to make a large splash and pop that can draw a...
Labana Studio

Labana Studio BIGShake 188

$68.14 (Ex. GST)
Labana Studio BIGShake 188 Floating Swimming Popper Introducing the Labana Studio BIGShake 188 which is the bigger brother/sister of the Labana Studio Milkshake range. If your looking for a super tough, well built, versatile and big fish ready lure this...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo SPP 120 Swimming Popper

$65.41 (Ex. GST)
SPP 120 Swimming Popper by FCL Labo The FCL Labo SPP 120 is a swimming popper that differs to most other poppers in that it is designed to swim sub surface. On the initial rip it will bloop and drag a vigorous bubble trail underwater, if the movement is...

Maria Duckdive F230

$45.41 (Ex. GST)
Maria Duckdive F230 Slim Popper The Maria Duckdive is a slim long casting lure designed with a smaller cup, giving a more subtle action for those more tentative fish not after the heavy displacement that poppers with a larger cups provide. The action is...
Patriot Design

Patriot Design Masterd Bomb 155 Floating Popper

$99.09 (Ex. GST)
Masterd Bomb 155 Big Floating Blooping Popper by Patriot Design The Patriot Design Mastered Bombs are some of the easiest poppers to work on the market. Producing a great thumping bloop and splash to entice GT's from the depths. Mastered Bombs feature a...

D-Claw Beacon 185 Wood Floating Popper

$125.45 (Ex. GST)
Beacon 185mm 103g Wood Popper by D-claw The Beacon wood popper is similar design to its resin model with a wider profile, more buoyancy from the wood all handmade. The attention to detail from D-claw is always impressive and the beacon is no different...
Labana Studio

Labana Studio Milkshake 118 Diving Popper

$29.05 (Ex. GST)
Milkshake 118 Diving Popper from Labana Studio Introducing The Milkshake, a new line of high-quality polymer lures crafted by Labana Studio, a Spanish manufacturer. The Milkshake is a versatile diving/swimming popper that creates an erratic action,...

Maria Duckdive 190mm

$43.59 (Ex. GST)
Duckdive 190 by Maria The Maria Duckdive is a slim long casting lure designed with a smaller cup, giving a more subtle action for those more tentative fish not after the heavy displacement that poppers with a larger cups provide. The action is a shallow...

D-Claw Beacon 180 Floating Popper

$90.00 (Ex. GST)
Beacon 180mm 70g Slim Popper by D-claw The Beacon slim popper is a design from one most creative lure companies in Japan, D-Claw. The attention to detail from the company is always impressive and the beacon is no different. The finish is absolutely...

Amegari Dzanga 180

$127.23 (Ex. GST)
Amegari Dzanga 180 Floating Popper The Amegari Dzanga 180 is a floating popper with a massive presence out of such a small profile. Just like its bigger brother this has been designed to be thrown at big tuna and GT's but is equally impressive as a...
FCL Labo

FCL Labo CC35 Pop Floating Popper

$54.50 (Ex. GST)
CC35 Pop Floating popper by FCL Labo Yoshitaka Tsurusaki from FCL Labo has always been an innovator in the fishing tackle industry. His newest creation, the CC Popper (cookie cutter) has a metal cup sleeved onto a resin body creating a durable popper...